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Godfather plan
Transforming children's homes in Colombia
• Home: Los Cachorros
• Educational Agent: Yolanda Sandoval
• Location: Vereda Arrobleda Santander, zona rural entre los municipios de Santander de Quilichao y Caloto. Norte del Cauca.
• Number of girls: 4
• Number of children: 8
• Total children: 12
• Ages: From 2 to 5 years

We support children in marginal areas, with the objective of learning in training programs based on personal Growth, strengthening values, emotional health, family unity, reduction of violence and extreme poverty. Complementing their training with leisure and recreational activities, social events and gifts on special dates. As a sponsor, you acquire the commitment with a child of La Consciencia del Amor (LCA), supporting their integral strengthening of the Being to facilitate their personal, family and social growth.
Since March we have been delivering weekly groceries to the families of sponsored children, to ensure their nutrition.
Sponsor a child
This contribution, to sponsor a single child, can be made in 4 ways:
Monthly ($50,000), quarterly ($150,000), biannual ($300,000) o annual ($600,000).
However, you can sponsor for a monthly value according to your possibilities.
What information does the child receive?
Name of the sponsor or godmother and city
Letters and gifts
How to contribute?
You can fill out the form and make the payment through PayU or make a deposit or transfer. for this, contact us here
Benefits of the godfather?
The satisfaction of making a child happy
Progress report of the sponsored child in his or her personal, family and social development.
Invitation to events or activities to be done with children
Certificate "Friend of Childhood"
Greeting of birthday and Christmas on the part of the godson.
Donation certificate
What is the sponsor plan - Transformers of Lives?
It is an action that offers wellbeing and happiness to a group of our beneficiaries, since with a voluntary contribution you contribute so that we work with children and families who are in conditions of vulnerability, for which, the sponsor plan offers the opportunity to invest in those who need it most.
Objectives of the godfather plan
Encourage children and their families the awareness that there are people who are interested in their social reality, generating in them the sense of solidarity, belonging to a community and social projection to it.
Encourage children and their families the awareness that there are people who are interested in their social reality, generating in them the sense of solidarity, belonging to a community and social projection to it.
Linking people and companies with the Plan Padrino project, showing the benefits of our methodology "Pedagogy for the Soul" and how it affects the integral formation of children
Deliver monthly groceries to ensure the nutrition of sponsored children.
2. Benefits of godparents
Photo of the beneficiary group with their life story.
Quarterly progress report
An LCA representative who will attend directly to all your concerns.
At the end of the year, the donation certificate of the total of your contribution will be issued.
Virtual certificate "Friends of the Consciousness of Love" which recognizes you as part of the family of godparents that fight inequality in Colombia.
Most importantly, you will have the satisfaction of having contributed to the development of a group of children and their families, enabling the transformation of their lives.
3. Benefits for your sponsored
Psychosocial accompaniment
Complementary school day in culture, recreation, art and sport.
Training in healthy lifestyles.
Development of life skills for the families of the children.
Development of life skills
Strengthening of the family in appropriate nurturing guidelines, promotion of good treatment and emotional ties.
Delivery of monthly groceries to the family of the sponsored children.
4. Sponsor plan coverage
Our sponsor plan's coverage is focused on the Department of Cauca.

Guiding with love
We reduce psychosocial risk factors through conceptual elements and experiential tools to vulnerable people and communities; training teachers, community mothers, educational agents and community leaders.
Through this project:
1. Strengthen your values.
2. They are given the necessary tools to solve situations in their daily lives.
3. They achieve an integral pedagogical orientation, for education and social coexistence.
4. They are facilitated to be aware of the management of their emotions, reducing psychosocial risks.
5. Appropriate healthy habits to strengthen their self-care and well-being.

Growing with love
It is the program that strengthens the integral formation of children, improving their mental and emotional health, through stimulation, play, play, art, self-care and the delivery of basic tools and practices for life, from love and the values.
In the same way, practical tools are delivered experientially in self-care and emotional intelligence, to parents and educational agents, to strengthen the process of formation and integral development of children.

Nourishing with love
Program focused on nutrition and healthy habits as a transversal axis of childhood, improving their quality of life from mental and emotional health, managing to promote the integral formation of the being through play and playful activities.
Pakari Project
Pakari seeks to strengthen the emotional intelligence of children through interactive digital content, to complement the playful activities carried out by "The Consciousness of Love" through its innovative methodology "Pedagogy for the soul". The purpose of this initiative is to offer educational content and interactive games aimed at the formation of "Being".
Start Being
Project aimed at children, youth, mothers and seniors, which provides practical tools in an experiential manner, from personal growth, values and entrepreneurship skills, to the integral development of their life projects that expand their opportunities for social mobility and contribute to progress and regional competitiveness.
To be a woman
Project aimed at women and mothers of families, which delivers experiential tools with a focus on values, entrepreneurial skills, healthy lifestyles and self-care, which promote personal growth and development, so that they can multiply it with their family and community.
Happina Kkona
Project aimed at the community of environmental recovery, which seeks to strengthen the recyclers their life and entrepreneurship projects, their family development, the promotion of recreation and environmental awareness.
Ideology / Who we are
We achieve personal growth and transformation in children, young people and their families through formative processes from the Self.
Why do we do it?
Taking into account that Colombia is the second country with the highest rates of impulse control and that more than 40% of its population has mental health problems, we have designed innovative social intervention projects to reduce these indicators. We understand the great need of children, their families and educational agents to obtain practical tools for coping and regulating mental-emotional health.
How do we do it?
Our programs and projects are based on our experiential methodology "Pedagogy for the Soul", which has extracted multiple elements of techniques such as Yoga, conscious breathing, brain gymnastics, Neuro Linguistic Programming, coaching, self-care, mandalas, art therapy, meditation, forgiveness therapies, inner child, among others.
What do we do?
We carry out processes of transformation from the being, through the implementation of workshops, projects and programs that promote and prevent the mental health of children, youth, their families and educational agents.

Tel: 57 (2) 323 41 53
Corporate WhatsApp
+57 3173740544
Calle 1D # 79 - 66 Prados del Sur
Somos una ESAL (Entidad Sin Ánimo de Lucro) en Colombia. Estamos bajo el régimen especial, por lo tanto las donaciones o aportes del plan padrino no tiene impuesto del IVA, ni retenciones. Solicita el certificado actualizado de Cámara de Comercio y el Registro Único Tributario (RUT), hacer clik aquí
Sponsor a child in Colombia, Plan Padrino, Donaciones Colombia, Help for poor children. Donate for foundations in Colombia. Donate.
Sponsorship of children. Help children in Colombia, Plan Padrino Colombia, I want to donate in Cali, I want to sponsor a child in Colombia